What to do with enlarged nose pores?


Everyone has blackheads on their nose, and one of the most convenient habit is to squeeze out the blackheads, and then the nose is full of small holes, which are actually pores. After cleaning the nose, you must learn to shrink the pores. .


Step 1: Melt with oil to remove blackheads
step1: In the case of dry hands and face, drop an appropriate amount of massage oil on the palm and apply it on the face.
step2: Fumigate with a hot towel or hot water for 3 minutes to fully open the pores.
step3: Drop the massage oil on the fingertips and rub in circular motions on the blackheads for about 10 minutes.
step4: Wipe off excess oil with a paper towel or cotton pad, then clean your face with a cleanser.
Step5: After taking the toner, apply a mask that can shrink pores, thoroughly clean the pores, and achieve the purpose of removing blackheads!
Step 2: Do your daily work
The most basic step in clearing the skin is to use a good cleanser, one of which is rich in fruit or salicylic acid to shrink large pores. You must remember not to use high-strength cleansing products, otherwise the effect will be counterproductive, it will destroy the surface layer of sebum, make the skin dry, and the body will secrete a lot of oil to protect the epidermis.
Step 3: Regulate the skin's water-oil balance

Oil is the root cause of blackheads and enlarged pores, and if you want to control your oil production to shrink pores, the first thing you need to do is keep your skin hydrated.


Step 4: Regular exfoliation
After the skin is metabolized, aging keratin will accumulate on the surface. If the keratin is over, it is easy to accumulate garbage in the pores, making the oil harden into blackheads. So beauties, remember, be sure to use exfoliating products to cleanse your skin and keep your skin in good condition at all times.
Step 5: Don't Be Lazy to Clean the Mask
The cleansing mask can not only deeply clean the pores, but also balance the oil, so that the skin can reach the balance of water and oil, and it is the perfect killer of blackheads. So don't be lazy and apply the mask now!
Step 6: Keep your mouth shut and it will work
Fried foods or too many sugary foods will stimulate the secretion of sebum, so beauty lovers must control their mouths, eat a reasonable diet, and eat less spicy, fried or too much sugary foods. Drinking more water and eating more fruits and vegetables rich in vitamins can also reduce the secretion of oil!