Male Health

We bring you an introduction to global men's health issues and the prevention of daily men's health problems.

What is the role of male breasts?
What is the role of male breasts?
2022-07-16 16:12

Have you ever had the same question, what is the use of men's breasts? Is it really just to distinguish the pros and cons! of course not 1. Conve...

What should I do if the male sperm motility is insufficient?
What should I do if the male sperm motility is insufficient?
2022-07-10 14:42

The motility of male sperm plays an important role in fertility. Because sperm have to travel long distances through the female reproductive tract to swim...

Will milk tea damage male sperm?
Will milk tea damage male sperm?
2022-06-28 20:32

Having healthy sperm is a must if you are ready to be a dad. In daily life, there are many foods that can harm sperm. Today we will talk about whether the...

What should I do if my morning erection disappears?
What should I do if my morning erection disappears?
2022-06-22 20:48

Men, when you get up every morning, do you always find that your lower body has quietly set up a "little tent"? This phenomenon is called morning er...

5 Things That Affect Men's Sperm Quality
5 Things That Affect Men's Sperm Quality
2022-06-17 14:50

The 30-year-old Mr. Li is a salesperson of a well-known company. He has been married to his wife for more than a year. Recently, he has a need for childbirt...

4 symptoms of bladder cancer in men
4 symptoms of bladder cancer in men
2022-06-17 14:38

Shortly after Xiao Liu's 30th birthday, last year he found that he frequently had abnormal symptoms of blood in the urine when urinating, and he began to th...

Is "prostate cancer" diagnosed at an advanced stage?
2022-06-17 14:30

Mr. Yang, 38 years old this year, is a project manager. He often works on different projects. He is definitely tired from work, but he is very concerned ab...

Common symptoms of male menopause
Common symptoms of male menopause
2022-06-15 19:16

When faced with women's sudden temper, many people will quietly label them menopause, as if only women experience menopause. In fact, menopause is not a wo...

Are these aphrodisiac methods credible?
Are these aphrodisiac methods credible?
2022-06-15 19:12

The "methods" of aphrodisiac are very tempting to every man. Whether it is useful or not, male friends will inevitably pay attention to them when they see i...

Causes and symptoms of male prostatitis
Causes and symptoms of male prostatitis
2022-06-15 19:10

Is your prostate okay? Many men think that prostate disease is a disease that is difficult to talk about, but according to statistics, about 8-25...

The effect of androgens on men of different ages
The effect of androgens on men of different ages
2022-06-15 19:08

Men with high androgen levels are healthier, more adventurous, and more successful in their careers. Is this true? Androgen is a hormone synthesized...

Is azoospermia still fertile?
Is azoospermia still fertile?
2022-06-12 16:10

Azoospermia is the absence of sperm when no sperm is found during routine semen tests. It must be difficult to have a child in such a situation. Az...

10 criteria for men's health
10 criteria for men's health
2022-06-09 20:00

Men's health is not optimistic now. All kinds of stress and natural aging make men gradually feel powerless, and many men don't care about their bodies an...

How to judge male prostate condition
How to judge male prostate condition
2022-06-08 15:46

Male prostate diseases mainly include prostatitis, benign prostatic hyperplasia, and prostate cancer. Male prostatitis, especially male chronic pros...

How to treat premature ejaculation in men
How to treat premature ejaculation in men
2022-06-02 13:12

Premature ejaculation is the most common disorder of ejaculation dysfunction. Many men with premature ejaculation avoid medical attention in the hope that...

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