Personal Health

We introduce you to the personal hygiene routine cleaning methods and the selection of personal cleaning products for global users.

How to prevent shingles in the elderly?
How to prevent shingles in the elderly?
2022-08-09 19:50

In the hot summer, the continuous high temperature weather makes people sweaty when they move. The increase in sweating can easily lead to changes in the s...

What are the dangers of hypoglycemia?
What are the dangers of hypoglycemia?
2022-08-09 19:48

Hypoglycemia is a dangerous complication, which is a factor that interferes with blood sugar control in people with diabetes. This complication can occur w...

Foam in urine is a bad kidney?
Foam in urine is a bad kidney?
2022-08-03 09:12

Kidney, the main excretory organ of the human body, is a part of the urinary system, which is responsible for filtering impurities in the blood, main...

Why are fractures so serious in older adults?
Why are fractures so serious in older adults?
2022-08-03 09:02

Usually, everyone's understanding of fractures is pain, inability to move freely, and the need to cast a plaster for protection. But for older people, a f...

How do young people develop hearing loss?
How do young people develop hearing loss?
2022-07-30 12:34

More and more young people are "deaf before they get old" In the movie "Charlotte Troubles", there is a dialogue between the protagonist Charlotte a...

Are programmers really prone to hair loss?
Are programmers really prone to hair loss?
2022-07-25 15:04

When it comes to programmers now, everyone's first reaction is to worry about their hair. The fact seems to be the same. Friends who work as programmers a...

Can children with chest pain take Suxiao Jiuxin pills?
Can children with chest pain take Suxiao Jiuxin pills?
2022-07-24 19:22

One morning in winter, the Pediatrics Department saw a 13-year-old boy who was escorted by a 120 ambulance. He took five quick-acting heart-saving pills ha...

What is Fibromyalgia Syndrome?
What is Fibromyalgia Syndrome?
2022-07-18 11:26

What are the manifestations of fibromyalgia syndrome 1. What are the characteristics of fibromyalgia syndrome? Mainly include 4 features...

What is fungal otitis externa?
What is fungal otitis externa?
2022-07-15 15:42

Otitis externa is a common ear disease. It is usually related to bad living habits. For example, people who like to swim do not clean their ears in time af...

Should wisdom teeth be removed?
Should wisdom teeth be removed?
2022-07-15 15:40

Wisdom teeth are the innermost third molars on the alveolar bone in the oral cavity, with a total of four on each side. Because these four teeth generally...

Which is more harmful to eat late-night snacks or stay up late on an empty stomach?
Which is more harmful to eat late-night snacks or stay up late on an empty stomach?
2022-07-15 14:18

With the enhancement of people's awareness of health care, "staying up late hurts the body" has become a well-known health care common sense, but when you ...

Is coffee good for the heart?
Is coffee good for the heart?
2022-07-10 14:50

Coffee is a very popular drink in the world. A cup of mellow coffee for breakfast can make a person full of energy for the day. In particular, many studen...

Do you know about oral periodontitis?
Do you know about oral periodontitis?
2022-07-10 14:44

Periodontitis is another common oral disease other than tooth decay, but everyone does not have an accurate understanding of this disease. For example, wha...

How to prevent summer herpetic angina?
How to prevent summer herpetic angina?
2022-07-08 18:28

In the summer, the temperature gradually rises, and herpetic angina also enters the peak period. Preschool children belong to the susceptible group. Once a...

Can I eat steamed buns with a bad stomach?
Can I eat steamed buns with a bad stomach?
2022-07-03 14:44

With the continuous improvement of people's living standards and the accelerated pace of life, more and more people suffer from stomach problems, which are...

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