
For men's health, women's health, personal hygiene, daily first aid methods and other detailed introduction of knowledge.

Who needs regular gastroscopy?
Who needs regular gastroscopy?
2022-09-09 20:58

Gastroscope is an important tool for us to find out the stomach. When it comes to gastroscope, many people will subconsciously refuse. This may be your mi...

Are men more likely to get cancer than women?
Are men more likely to get cancer than women?
2022-09-09 20:56

Why do men have higher cancer risk than women? Are men really more prone to cancer than women? The data already speaks for itself. ...

Why are many people afraid of colonoscopy?
Why are many people afraid of colonoscopy?
2022-09-09 20:54

When it comes to colonoscopy, many people are most afraid of drinking laxatives? It is true that drinking laxatives does not feel good. In fact, the docto...

What are the symptoms of female hypothyroidism?
What are the symptoms of female hypothyroidism?
2022-09-04 18:08

Hypothyroidism, also known as hypothyroidism, is a clinical syndrome that occurs mainly due to the lack of thyroid hormones in the human body, resulting in...

What to do if male ejaculation pain?
What to do if male ejaculation pain?
2022-09-03 17:28

In sexual life, ejaculation is an important symbol of a man reaching orgasm. Ejaculation will bring great physical and mental pleasure to men, which means ...

What should a man do with kidney deficiency?
What should a man do with kidney deficiency?
2022-09-03 17:24

For men, with the passage of time, various functions of the body will gradually decline. Kidney deficiency is a common health problem. When a man has kidne...

What to eat during pregnancy to improve egg quality?
What to eat during pregnancy to improve egg quality?
2022-09-03 17:22

Eggs are an integral part of the conception process, and women must have healthy eggs if they want to conceive quickly. If the eggs are of poor quality, t...

How do women gain weight during menopause?
How do women gain weight during menopause?
2022-09-03 17:20

After the age of 40, women will experience a series of symptoms such as emotional instability, menstrual cycle disorders, and muscle soreness, which affect...

What is a female endocrine disorder?
What is a female endocrine disorder?
2022-09-01 18:08

Endocrine disorders are an annoying gynecological disease for women. If it is not treated in time, it will bring great harm to the body. Symptoms ...

Is an excessively low-salt diet good for health?
Is an excessively low-salt diet good for health?
2022-09-01 18:06

For middle-aged and elderly people with hypertension, the intake of salt, sugar and fat should be well controlled in the usual diet. High-salt diet is an ...

Can drinking plenty of water clear kidney stones?
Can drinking plenty of water clear kidney stones?
2022-09-01 18:04

Kidney stones are common diseases of the urinary system, which are crystals formed due to the high content of uric acid in the urine. If you have kidney s...

Is itchy eyes an allergy?
Is itchy eyes an allergy?
2022-09-01 18:00

The beginning of autumn means the beginning of autumn. The autumn air is refreshing and the body feels very comfortable, but at the same time, the beginnin...

How to save yourself from a fishbone stuck in your throat?
How to save yourself from a fishbone stuck in your throat?
2022-08-31 13:34

Everyone knows that eating fish is good for health. The flesh of fish is soft and easy to be digested and absorbed by the human body. And fish is rich in ...

What are the signs of aging in men?
What are the signs of aging in men?
2022-08-31 13:32

When it comes to aging, people will naturally be quite female, as if only women fear aging, but for men, they also care about aging. With the pressure of ...

How do women get vaginitis?
How do women get vaginitis?
2022-08-31 13:30

In daily life, women are very concerned about personal hygiene, but there are still many women suffering from vaginitis, which not only slowly erodes women...